Thursday, 26 January 2012

Yoga - 30 days is a long time

I have done the occasional yoga class over the past three years but was never a regular, until a few months ago. I started attending classes at least five times a week and I have just signed up for my first 30 day challenge. But before we get into that, let's back up. I assume at this point many of you are wondering, "isn't this chick too mean for yoga?" That is a great question and the answer is yes, I am, but all that aside I am actually really enjoying yoga and I think that is some small way it might be helping to reduce my rage. Don't get me wrong, I am not going to start drinking wheat grass and hugging everyone, but I am happy that I have found something I enjoy and if it cuts my rage blackouts from six a week to five then everyone is a winner.

Monday is the first day of my 30 day challenge, I predict it will not be easy. I also have the additional challenge of trying to make up the six classes I will miss due to work travel, so some days I will have to attend two classes. I will keep you posted on my progress, I also just found out that there are going to be prizes throughout the challenge, so once again in true non yogi fashion, I am driven by greed.
See, I am already getting so limber

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