I have been super slack this week and I am sorry. I know that I dropped the ball and missed the chance to talk about how one of those awful girls on the Bachelor was running around Panama with her tits out. And we didn't even have a chance to talk about all the exciting Superbowl ads that are being shared, for the record I like the VW ad and the Budwiser Canadian Hockey ad is gold, try to show that to a Canadian and not have them swell/weep with national pride.
I just wanted to send out a friendly reminder on two topics, first and foremost, people need to stop making those "shit ___ says" videos, they are no longe funny or relevant. Please stop making them, stop sharing them and stop acting like you just need to share one more, you dont.
Second with Superbowl Sunday almost upon us I would like to talk about the concept of live tweeting, I hate it. I find it annoying and pointless, though it has been suggested that sharing sports updates is helpful and can be useful to some. Sure, I can make my peace with that, but do you know who is going to have a handle on sharing updates from the Superbowl? All of these people - @nfl, @nflnetwork, @Patriots and @Giants, so why don't we try this, if you want to make witty and clever comments about the game, halftime show or ads, go nuts. If you get the urge to live tweet the game, just don't.
Yoga update - just so you guys know, I have attended 6 classes in 4 days, I am on fire. I am determined to make this happen, despite my travel schedule. On that note, I will be in Nashville aka Dollywood next week so I will try and share some interesting Nashville highlights.
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