Tuesday 24 January 2012

30 Second Rant - The Boston Bruins visit the White House

In what sounds like the makings of a bad school trip, the Boston Bruins went to the White House with the Stanley Cup. This could have gone bad for some many reason, our hometown hero Marchand could have confused the Oval Office for a bathroom, or he could have used his sweet Ninja Turtle moves and knocked over the First Lady. It was however, Tim Thomas who acted like a clown and refused to attend in what can only be described as a sad and pathetic cry for attention. What's wrong Timmy, you wanted so desperately to share your savvy political insights with the world that you were forced to take your toys and stay home? Let's get serious for a second Tim, you don't like Obama, you aren't supporting him this election? No one actually gives a shit, quit acting like a child and attend the event with your team.


  1. No one should be surprised by the Bruins being an embarrasment. Now, if the Habs have won, they all would have been perfect gentleman.

    1. Well, if the Habs won they'd have to hang out with Harper, not Obama. I can only imagine what a fun little party Stephen would throw. "I have some non-alcoholic beer and Ritz crackers here, if anyone would like."

      Kaberle was there, at least: http://yfrog.com/h7v8zeaj
